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Motocycle Club
Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last
Eddie's Travels Part 1


Two of our number, Eddie & Anna Baines, have decided to pack up their belongings and to take an extended holiday, sabatical, year out to the homeland of Indian.  We are all extremely jealous and they keep sending us photos which makes it even worse.

Here is a selection of some and we may even be able to entice them to write a bit about their triumphs and tragedies along the way.

snocoach.jpg (65865 bytes)

Anna & snocoach, this must be canada

hotdog.jpg (72049 bytes)

Looks like a giant hotdog with not enough bun

MESA VERDE.jpg (138283 bytes)

Lego Land, I think?

MESA VERDE DAY2.jpg (160548 bytes)

Anna on a diet again

new bike.jpg (177637 bytes)

Anna's new bike

basket case.jpg (182228 bytes)


buffalow.jpg (141605 bytes)

Rare sight now

Indian dealer.jpg (166327 bytes)

Another indian dealer shut

lovely.jpg (134167 bytes)


nice view.jpg (201876 bytes)

Nice view

round window.jpg (220566 bytes)

Through the round window

riding.jpg (213273 bytes)

Eddie's new toy

statue 2.jpg (124517 bytes)

very white

statue.jpg (137315 bytes) sure thing.jpg (197772 bytes)

Ray thinks it's a sure thing - where is caryll?

tram line.jpg (193947 bytes)

watch out the mad man in disguise driving is Ray Chriss

oops.jpg (125573 bytes)


steam.jpg (118580 bytes)

Eddy letting off steam in the background

paddle boat.jpg (150774 bytes)

riverboat - it aint the Thames

pow wow.jpg (179970 bytes)

very colourful

beer barrel.jpg (181992 bytes)

Someone tell her it aint beer

boat yard.jpg (209365 bytes)

Eddie's new job

familiar.jpg (194863 bytes)

Looks familiar

house guests.jpg (128444 bytes)

House guest - are they ever going to leave?

indians.jpg (224308 bytes)

nice riding weather

jumper.jpg (154110 bytes)

It's the mad man again - dont push him

new toy.jpg (175968 bytes)

Eddie's other new toy

ooh arr.jpg (169274 bytes)

Ooh Arrh, its farmer Anna

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Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last  
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